Tzu Chi Scholars 2013 慈濟獎學金

Tzu Chi Foundation is pleased to announce that its scholarship program, Tzu Chi Scholars 2013, is now accepting applications. All graduating high school seniors are encouraged to apply. Tzu Chi Scholars are selected on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and community involvement. This is a nationwide program and each scholar will be awarded a total of $1,000, with the opportunity to renew the award for up to 3 additional years of study.

Enclosed are the scholarship application procedures, the application form, and the flyer. Please feel free to make extra copies of the application forms and flyers as needed, and note that the deadline for the Scholarship has been extended to March 31, 2013. Applicants should mail the completed application form <> and the supporting documents to the Boston Tzu Chi office, 15 Summer St, Newton, MA 02464.

Should you have any questions, please contact Alice Yang at 650-288-8793 or email the Tzu Chi Scholars Program at




有關事宜可洽詢波士頓聯絡處(15 Summer street, Newton)電話:617-762-0569或電詢聯絡人許育慈,電話:617-803-0982